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Alcoholic Drinks

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Spirituosen - Bio Spirits - certified organic Show products

Organic amaretto liqueur 20,3%

large container 21.69 €/l** 108.47 €**
5 litre in can Art-Nr: 21368

advocaat organic

large container 27.70 €/l** 692.58 €**
25 litre in can Art-Nr: 22718

Currently out of stock

kirsch organic

large container 43.55 €/l** 217.77 €**
5 litre in can Art-Nr: 22754

rum brown organic

large container 26.42 €/l** 132.09 €**
5 litre in can Art-Nr: 23439

Wein rot - Bio Red Wine - certified organic Show products

Collina rosso, private-brand, velvety-soft, fruity organic

packing size small 6.47 €/l** 29.13 €**
6 bottles à 750 ml in carton Art-Nr: 22707

Merlot Vino de Espana red wine organic

packing size small 6.28 €/l** 28.27 €**
6 bottles à 750 ml in carton Art-Nr: 22734

Wein weiß - Bio White Wine - certified organic Show products

COLLINA BIANCO Sicilia DOP white wine organic

packing size small 6.66 €/l** 29.99 €**
6 bottles à 750 ml in carton Art-Nr: 22710

All product pictures are examples. Due to the charges differences might appear.

** All prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs , unless otherwise described. Depending on the delivery address, the VAT at checkout may vary .